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Simon Cowell gives fans a very rare look inside huge £18m mansion as TikTok star posts video of ‘boyband audition’

SIMON Cowell has given a rare insight into his £18million mansion with ‘beefed up security’.

The music mogul and former X Factor judge, 64, is on the hunt for a brand new boyband.

Simon Cowell has given a rare insight into his £18million mansion with ‘beefed up security’[/caption]
The music mogul and former X Factor judge, 64, is on the hunt for a brand new boyband[/caption]
He invited TikTok stars to his pad to audition as fans were given a glimpse at the stunning property[/caption]

The Sun exclusively revealed in March he was making a programme – believed to be for Netflix – which would see him seek out new boyband talent.

And in a brand new TikTok video an influencer, called Matt, revealed Cowell invited him to his pad to audition.

He told his followers: “Simon Cowell is trying to bring boybands back so he’s invited me over to his house because he thinks that I, Matt, have what it takes.

The footage, viewed nearly 280,000 times, shows Simon relaxing in his patio area of his stunning abode.

During the clip fans could see his stunning white furniture as well as a wooden gazebo with light fixtures.

An outdoor fireplace acted as a table and divider for the seating area as Cowell spoke to Matt.

While the rest of the house sadly wasn’t shown, fans did get to see Simon’s German Shepherd puppy.

Some of the renovations Simon completed at the pad since he purchased it include removing ceilings, fireplaces, floors and also removing drywall to allow underneath brickwork to be exposed.

Simon previously beefed up security for him and his family after The Sun foiled a plan by thieves to burgle his former £48million mansion.

The judge, who has since sold the property, previously said: “When I initially was told about this story by The Sun, I couldn’t believe it.

“It was like something out of a science fiction film. I want to thank the team at The Sun who have been working hard to expose this.”

Hardie Property
Simon Cowell’s £18 million home in Wimbledon was on the market, but has failed to sell[/caption]
Hardie Property
Simon has extensively renovated the pad, removing ceilings, fireplaces, floors and also removing drywall to allow underneath brickwork to be exposed[/caption]

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