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Evan Gershkovich’s plight spotlighted in presidential debate as Trump vows to free hero WSJ reporter from Russian jail

EVAN Gershokovich‘s plight was pulled into the spotlight on Thursday night as Donald Trump vowed to free the innocent journalist during the first presidential debate of 2024.

The former president battled it out with Joe Biden, 81, who stumbled his way through a disastrous on-stage clash in Atlanta, Georgia.

Former President Donald Trump has promised to free Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich
Trump slammed Joe Biden for not getting Gershkovich out

Wall Street Journal’s Gershkovich, 32, has been wrongly accused by Vladimir Putin’s cronies of gathering “secret information” for the CIA.

His case was highlighted during Thursday night’s 90-minute debate, just one day after his trial in Yekaterinburg, Russia, began.

Addressing an audience-free studio, Trump declared that he would fight to free Gershkovich on his first day in office.

“Now we have a hostage, the Wall Street Journal reporter,” he said.

“I think [he’s] a good guy.

“And he’s over there because Putin is laughing at [Biden] probably asking for billions of dollars for the reporter.

“I will have him out very quickly as soon as I take office – before I take office.”

The 2024 hopeful went on to blast rival Biden, insisting he should have freed Gershkovich “a long time ago.”

Gershkovich was arrested on March 29, 2023, while on a reporting trip in Yekaterinburg.

Russian authorities claimed, without providing evidence, that he was gathering secret information for the US.

The reporter’s trial began behind closed doors this week, with reporters given only a few minutes inside the courtroom.

Since his arrest, the reporter has spent nearly 15 months inside Moscow’s notorious Lefortovo prison.

If found guilty of the charges against him, he could face a further 20 years in prison.

A few weeks ago Russia accused Gershkovich of working for the CIA and “collecting secret information” about Uralvagonzavod, a military facility in the Sverdlovsk region.

It was the first time Russian authorities shared details of the accusations against the reporter.

Washington said the charges have “zero credibility” while the Wall Street Journal slammed the trial as “outrageous.”

Timeline of Evan Gershkovich's detainment

FALSELY jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich has been detained on baseless accusations of espionage since March, 2023.

Here is a timeline of key events:

Russia’s security service, the FSB, charged him with espionage – a charge that he, the WSJ and the US government deny.

They argue – without evidence – that he collected “information constituting a state secret about the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex.”

Day 12: April 10, 2023 – The US designated Gershkovich wrongfully detained and launched effort on Russia to free him.

Day 20: April 18, 2023 – A Moscow court upheld his pre-trial detention, denied him bail and ordered him to be held in the capital’s infamous Lefortovo prison.

Day 55: May 23, 2023 – Gershkovich’s detention was extended until at least August 30.

His parents, Ella Milman and Mikhail Gershkovich, travelled to the hearing and said “any parents who loves their kid would travel to the end of the world to be with them for give minutes.”

Day 76: June 13, 2023 – The White House called on Russia to immediately free Gershkovich and also free former US marine Paul Whelan, who was convicted of espionage in 2020.

Day 85: June 22, 2023 – A Moscow court upheld the extension of Gershkovich’s detention until at least August 30.

Day 100: July 7, 2023 – The world’s press stood for solidarity with the reporter as his shameful detention reached 100 days.

Day 174: September, 19, 2023 – Gershkovich had another appeal for freedom blocked.

Day 195: October 10, 2023 – The US reporter had yet another appeal denied which would see his detention extended until at least November 30.

Day 244: November 28, 2023 – A court ruled Gershkovich would remain in pre-trial detention until at least January 30.

Day 303: January 26, 2024 – The innocent journalist’s time behind bars was extended until the end of March.

Day 316: February 8, 2024 – Vladimir Putin tells US TV host Tucker Carlson a deal could be reached between Russia and the US over Gershkovich.

Day 363: March 26, 2024: Gershkovich’s detention will drag on until June 30 as he nears one year behind bars.

Day 442: June 13, 2024: Russian authorities announce he will stand trial over bogus accusations that the reporter was spying for the CIA

Day 455: June 26, 2024: Closed-door sham trial begins in Yekaterinburg at the Sverdlovsk courthouse with Evan appearing inside a glass cage

Evan Gershkovich is facing a false and baseless charge,” said WSJ’s chief editor Emma Tucker.

Russia‘s latest move toward a sham trial is, while expected, deeply disappointing and still no less outrageous.”

Tucker added that Gershkovich’s “wrongful detention is a blow to press freedom, and it should matter to anyone who values free society.

“We will not rest until he is free.”


Joe Biden was slammed for his low-energy performance at the debate, leaving voters to wonder if he’s the right pick for the White House.

Even Vice President Kamala Harris admitted that Biden didn’t give his best on the debate stage.

“There was a slow start but there was a strong finish,” she said during a post-debate interview on CNN.

“People can debate on style points but ultimately this election… has to be about substance and the contrast is clear,” she added.

CNN host Van Jones, who was a special adviser to former President Barack Obama, said Biden “failed” to restore confidence among Democrats.

“There is time for this party to think of a different way forward if he would allow us to do that.

“But that is not what we needed from Joe Biden and it’s personally painful for a lot of people.”


Despite a lackluster performance, Biden spoke on his policies regarding taxes, childcare, healthcare, inflation, and more key topics throughout the 90-minute debate.

“We’ve made significant progress from the debacle that was left by President Trump,” he said during his closing statement.

Earlier this month, Biden announced major changes through several executive actions that would bar migrants from seeking asylum in between ports of entry – resulting in a 40% drop in border crossings, according to Politifact.

He also revealed a new policy that would protect over half a million undocumented migrants who are the spouses or children of US citizens from deportation.

Trump criticized Biden on his immigration policies, blaming him for “allowing millions and millions of people to pour in.”

Biden was criticized for a low-energy start at the debate[/caption]
Biden and Trump tackled several topics such as immigration, abortion, and healthcare[/caption]

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