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'Heads are going to roll': Internet surprised and concerned by Biden's debate performance

Joe Biden's debate performance led to calls for heads to roll — within the first 30 minutes — with some calling it "one of the worst performances I have ever seen."

Biden's shaky, raspy voice and struggles to keep a coherent thought together baffled social media with a wave of befuddled comments.

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"Heads are going to roll," tweeted Andrew Feinberg, White House correspondent for The Independent.

"Biden just lost his train of thought," he said in a separate tweet. "Losing his train of thought will lose him the election."

"It's the one thing he could not do tonight and he did it in the first 15 minutes."

Frank Luntz tweeted that his focus group of undecided voters seemed "surprised and concerned about Biden’s voice."

"This doesn’t bode well for questions about his health," Luntz added.

"This is not going well for Biden," wrote CNN correspondent S.E. Cupp. "Unless Trump suddenly goes off the rails, this may end up being a disastrous decision by Biden’s campaign."

"I've watched a lot of Biden talks. I've never heard him sound this frail," wrote @zackbeauchamp.


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