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'Fantastical, delusional': CBS anchor gives Trump low marks for debate

CBS News anchor John Dickerson gave former President Donald Trump low marks for a "delusional" and "fantastical" debate performance.

Following the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election, CBS host Nora O'Donnell concluded the event by noting that President Joe Biden had a "raspy voice" due to a cold.

"President Trump offered repeated lies and exaggerations, but then President Biden failed to fact-check Trump most of the time," O'Donnell observed.

Dickerson agreed.

"As you mentioned, Donald Trump gave fantastical, delusional answers on January 6th on Charlottesville, on what he said about the theft of the last election," the anchor said. "And that matters because he's trying to convince people who saw things with their own eyes that what they saw was not so."

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"And part of being president, he's seeing things clearly," he added. "So how the voters will make something of this, I'm not sure."

Dickerson also said Biden performed poorly.

"What we heard about President Biden is people who know him said, you know, when he was underestimated in the 2020 campaign, people said, look to his convention speech and he exceeded expectations," he explained. "They said, look to his State of the Union addresses when he exceeded expectations on the debate stage."

"He came in well under expectations, both as a matter of performance and as arguing for why his vision for the future is better."

Watch the video below from CBS or click here.


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