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Govt to bring resolution in NA countering US motion on democracy to ‘show sovereignty’


Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar announced on Thursday that the government would introduce a resolution in the National Assembly to counter a recently adopted US motion regarding democracy in Pakistan.

His statement comes a day after the US House of Representatives had passed a resolution expressing robust support for democracy in Pakistan by an overwhelming 368-7 vote.

Lawmakers supporting resolution HR 901, titled ‘Expressing support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan’, had claimed that the approval highlighted the United States’ commitment to promoting democratic values globally.

The resolution — passed with 85 per cent of House members participating and 98pc voting in its favour — had urged US President Joe Biden to collaborate with Pakistan in upholding democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

It had emphasised the importance of free and fair elections, calling for a thorough and independent investigation into any claims of interference or irregularities in Pakistan’s 2024 elections.

Just hours later, the Foreign Office (FO) had responded saying that the resolution stemmed from an “incomplete understanding” of the country’s political situation and electoral process.

“We believe that the timing and context of this particular resolution does not align well with the positive dynamics of our bilateral ties,” the FO had asserted.

“We believe in constructive dialogue and engagement based on mutual respect and understanding,” it said, adding that such resolutions were neither constructive nor objective.

In today’s NA session, Dar — also the foreign minister — read out the FO’s response from yesterday.

He then announced that with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s permission, the government would “bring a resolution to counter this (US) resolution”.

“We must show our sovereignty, we must show our unity, we must show that we mean business,” the deputy PM said.

“We can also criticise 50 things over here with regards to other countries. But we refrain; I believe there is mutual dignity and respect in this only that they also reciprocate what we do,” Dar said in a fiery speech on the floor of the lower house of parliament.

He stated that the government has taken notice of the US resolution and that a draft resolution was ready, which would be shared with both, the treasury benches and the opposition.

The deputy PM stressed the need to “come [together] in unity with a clear resolution against or in response to the US resolution.”

He also noted that the resolution would be passed once the 2024-25 budget debate has concluded.

Addressing a point brought up by another MNA with regards to overseas Pakistanis being able to vote, he said: “Let’s come together; let’s make a Constitutional amendment.”

He noted that as the president of the PML-N’s international chapter since 2003, he had a great interest in this matter.

“Let’s give them a resolution in these two houses. Let there be [a] voice of those people. Let’s sit together and discuss in a candid way, and bring a Constitutional amendment for them,” he said.


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