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The 7 best flea and tick treatments for puppies, with tips from vets

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Puppy flea and tick medications from Seresto, Capstar, Sentry, and Frontline are on a yellow gradient background.
Good flea and tick protection for puppies includes flea collars, pills, shampoos, and topical medicines.

Fleas can bite your puppy year-round, leaving them itchy and scratching and at risk for developing tapeworms. Not only that, fleas can also transmit diseases to you and your pets, and dogs with severe infestations may develop anemia. The best flea and tick treatments for puppies can help protect your pets and family.

To make our recommendations, we researched the best flea and tick protection with help from the Companion Animal Parasite Council's Quick Product Reference Guide. We also talked to veterinarians to get more insight into treating and preventing fleas in puppies. Since very young puppies under 4 weeks old cannot take flea medicine, we recommend the Frisco Flea Comb to gently remove fleas. Puppies that are at least 4 weeks old may benefit from Capstar for Dogs, a fast-acting pill that can be given daily until your dog is old enough for a longer-acting flea preventive.

Some of the medications in this guide are available OTC while others require a prescription from your vet. These medications come in various forms, including topicals, tablets, collars, and shampoos. Some even do double duty to help kill and prevent other parasites.

Read more about how Insider Reviews tests and researches pet products.

Our top picks for the best flea and tick treatments for puppies

Best for newborn puppies: Frisco Flea Comb - See at Chewy

Best for puppies over 4 weeks old: Elanco Capstar for Dogs - See at Chewy

Best topical for puppies over 7 weeks old: Advantage Multi - See at Chewy

Best OTC topical for puppies over 8 weeks old: Frontline Plus - See at Chewy

Best pill for puppies over 8 weeks old: Simparica TRIO - See at Chewy

Best shampoo for puppies over 12 weeks old: Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo - See at Chewy

Best flea collar for older puppies: Seresto Flea and Tick Collar - See at Chewy

Best for newborn puppies

Most flea treatments are labeled for puppies over 8 weeks old. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn't approved any flea treatments for puppies under 4 weeks. So, if you have a very young puppy with fleas or ticks, you'll want to use a flea comb to remove the parasites gently.

Dr. Brian Collins, a veterinarian and senior lecturer at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, recommends this Frisco flea comb for convenience and affordability. It's cheap enough to buy multiples so you always have one on hand. "Fortunately, all flea combs tend to work very similarly," he says. "In addition to their functionality as flea finders and removers, flea combs can come in handy for some grooming situations, such as around the eyes and lips."

The comb's two sides provided additional benefits. "Double-sided flea combs are great," says Dr. Sarah Gorman, managing veterinarian at Small Door Veterinary in Newton Centre, Massachusetts. "They're easy to disinfect and come in both plastic and metal." To use the comb, place your puppy in an empty bathtub to keep any fleas and eggs contained. Dip the comb in water and begin gently combing your puppy from their head down. Continue dipping the comb in water every three or four strokes to remove any fleas and flea eggs.

Best for puppies over 4 weeks old

Capstar is our top pick for the best flea treatments for puppies as young as 4 weeks old. The over-the-counter (OTC) oral flea medication begins killing fleas quickly. "Capstar is a safe, effective product that can start killing fleas in only 30 minutes," says Collins, adding that he uses this product to treat existing flea infestations. You can give this medication to puppies as young as 4 weeks old, as long as they weigh at least 2 pounds.

The active ingredient in Capstar, nitenpyram, kills more than 90% of adult fleas within four hours. But while it works well to treat infestations, it doesn't offer any long-term flea protection. "It only lasts for one day and has no effect on the flea eggs, larvae, or pupae," says Gorman. Still, if your puppy is too young for other flea medications, you can safely give them a daily dose of Capstar until they can switch to a long-term flea preventative.

Best topical for puppies over 7 weeks old

Advantage Multi is one of the best flea treatments for dogs, and you can begin applying it once your puppy is 7 weeks old. It contains two active ingredients, imidacloprid and moxidectin, which work together to kill and prevent not only fleas, but also roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, heartworms, and mange mites. "Imidacloprid, the ingredient that kills fleas, has been in use for a long time and is very safe and effective," says Collins. One particular benefit of Advantage Multi, he says, is that it kills fleas without them needing to bite your puppy. It can also kill newly acquired fleas.

Because Advantage Multi also prevents heartworm, you can only get it by prescription from your vet. Your vet can apply the treatment to your puppy in-office, or you can treat your puppy at home. Just part the hair at the base of their neck and apply it to the skin between their shoulder blades. Keep other pets and children from coming into contact with the treated area until the medication dries, which will take a few hours. You can use this monthly treatment once every 30 days.

Best OTC topical for puppies over 8 weeks old

If your puppy weighs more than 5 pounds and is older than 8 weeks, Frontline Plus may be a great option to kill and prevent fleas and ticks. "Frontline has been on the market for a long time and has a track record of safety and efficacy," says Collins. This topical treatment is widely available over the counter, so you can begin tackling infestations without a vet visit.

Frontline Plus contains two active ingredients: fipronil, which kills both ticks and adult fleas, and S-methoprene, which keeps flea eggs from hatching and stops the growth of flea larvae. Plus, Collins says fleas don't need to bite your dog for the medicine to work, so it may be a good option for dogs with flea allergies. Once it dries, it's waterproof, so your puppy can still swim or take a bath. You apply Frontline the same way you would other topical treatments. Part the hair at the base of your puppy's neck, between their shoulder blades, and apply all of the medication in one spot. Avoid letting kids and other pets touch this spot until the medication dries.

Best pill for puppies over 8 weeks old

If you'd prefer to avoid using topical flea treatments for your puppy, you might consider an oral flea medication, like Simparica TRIO. This liver-flavored chewable tablet contains three active ingredients: moxidectin, sarolaner, and pyrantel. These drugs work together to provide 30-day protection from multiple parasites, including fleas and flea larvae along with chewing lice, five types of ticks, mange mites, and three types of worms, including deadly heartworms. 

Simparica TRIO is one of the best flea and tick treatments for puppies because it is highly effective. It will kill all adult fleas on your dog within just eight hours. Both of our experts recommend Simparica TRIO to clients with puppies over 8 weeks old. "This is the product we recommend in our practice as it is cost-effective, safe, and all-inclusive in terms of coverage," says Gorman. Collins adds that oral medications like Simparica TRIO aren't affected by bathing or swimming, making them great options for puppies who love water. Your vet will need to prescribe this medication. If your puppy has a neurological disorder or history of seizures, however, another medication may be a better option.

Best shampoo for puppies over 12 weeks old

If your puppy over 12 weeks old needs a flea bath, Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal may be a good option. Its active ingredients — permethrin and piperonyl butoxide — work together to kill fleas and ticks for up to 10 days, while oatmeal provides soothing relief for your puppy's itchy, irritated skin. 

The best flea and tick shampoos for dogs can certainly help kill live fleas and ticks on your puppy, but many vets consider these products less effective than our other picks for the best flea and tick treatments for puppies. Shampoos can't break the flea life cycle, so your puppy can easily get fleas again. What's more, the insecticides used in these shampoos may cause irritation, especially for puppies with sensitive skin.

When using flea shampoo, read the label carefully and leave the shampoo on your puppy for the entire time recommended — five minutes for this specific product. Avoid leaving the shampoo on for a longer period of time or rinsing it off too soon. Leaving it on too long may cause skin irritation and other side effects, and it may not work effectively if you rinse it off too soon.

As with all shampoos labeled for dogs, this product should not be used on cats. If there are cats in your household, make sure they do not come in contact with this shampoo. 

Best flea collar for older puppies

The Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs is safe for puppies 7 weeks and older, and it's the only flea collar Collins recommends to his clients. The collar helps control fleas, ticks, and other parasites for up to eight months by releasing imidacloprid and flumethrin in low doses. It's highly effective and kills parasites on contact before they even bite your puppy. 

"I am comfortable using this collar on puppies as long as they are closely monitored," says Collins, adding that you'll need to adjust the collar as your puppy grows to prevent it from becoming too tight and damaging their skin. You should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and your puppy's skin. Just make sure children don't touch or play with the collar and that other pets in your home don't chew on it.

What to look for in flea and tick treatments for puppies

Type of treatment: The best flea and tick treatments for puppies recommended by veterinarians include chewable tablets, topical medications, collars, and shampoos. "When choosing a flea and tick preventative, there's no one-size-fits all," says Gorman. Your vet can help you find the right plan for your pet's age, health, breed, and lifestyle. A puppy who swims often or gets frequent baths may do better with a prescription oral medication, for example, while OTC topical treatments can be a more affordable option for flea treatment and prevention. 

Application method: Some flea treatments are more difficult to use than others. For instance, you'll have to apply a topical treatment in just the right spot to ensure its effectiveness and keep your puppy from licking it off. You'll also need to keep treated puppies away from other pets, especially cats, until the medication absorbs, and you may need to wear gloves to apply it. Oral medications may offer a simpler alternative for squirmy puppies and puppies who can't tolerate topical treatments. 

Safety for puppies: Flea treatments approved by the FDA or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are safe to use on your pets. Approval from these organizations means the product has been thoroughly tested for both safety and effectiveness. Before you use one of the best flea and tick treatments for puppies, make sure it's labeled for your dog's age and weight. If you can't weigh your puppy at home, ask your vet to confirm their weight before using the medication. Flea treatments meant for older or larger dogs may, in some cases, be fatal for your puppy. 

Safety for cats: Some ingredients used in dog flea medications, like permethrin, are toxic to cats and can cause death. If you have cats at home, you may want to opt for puppy flea treatments that aren't dangerous to cats, just in case your cat and puppy come into close contact. 

Parasites they kill: Some flea treatments just kill fleas or fleas and ticks only. Others kill many different types of parasites. According to Collins, your vet can always recommend the right product for your puppy based on the parasites in your region and your puppy's potential for exposure. "The recommendations for a dog that goes camping and hiking every weekend in New England is going to be different than the recommendations for a dog that lives in LA and rarely leaves the city," says Gorman. Keep in mind that any product that protects against heartworms requires a heartworm test before you get a prescription, plus annual testing for heartworms.

Prescription vs. OTC: While you can buy plenty of safe and effective flea treatments over the counter, Gorman says your vet may recommend prescription products because they've undergone rigorous safety studies to earn FDA approval. Collins says safe and effective products are available at a range of prices, so cost isn't necessarily a factor when it comes to effectiveness. However, prescription products tend to cost more, partly because they help kill and prevent more parasites.

How we chose the best flea and tick treatments for puppies

For this guide to the best flea and tick treatments for puppies, we consulted two board-certified veterinarians.

Dr. Brian Collins, diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, is board-certified in canine and feline practice and serves as an extension associate with the Cornell Richard P. Riney Canine Health Center. Collins told us about the importance of flea prevention and the safe use of flea treatments for young puppies.

Dr. Sarah Gorman is a board-certified veterinarian, managing veterinarian at Small Door Veterinary, and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner (CCRP) specially trained in physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques for small animals. Gorman explained the benefits of FDA-approved flea prevention products for puppies. She also emphasized that consulting your vet before choosing a flea treatment can help you determine the right product for your region as well as your puppy's age and other needs. 

Additionally, we consulted the Companion Animal Parasite Council Quick Product Reference Guide. This independent nonprofit organization has created a reference tool listing every parasite control product approved for use in small animals by the FDA and EPA. The guide also provides detailed information about flea treatments, including directions for use, the parasites they kill and prevent, and their active ingredients.

Flea and tick treatments for puppies FAQs

What flea treatment is safe for puppies?

The safest flea treatments for your puppy are those approved by the FDA and labeled for your puppy's age and weight. "It's very important to choose a product that is appropriate for the age and weight of the puppy," Collins says. Our experts recommend consulting your vet about the best product for your puppy. "Any medication can be a source of a reaction in our pets, which is why we strongly recommend using FDA-approved products and avoiding third-party sellers of flea and tick products," says Gorman. 

When can you start flea treatment on a puppy?

You can safely use most flea medications for puppies over 8 weeks old. If your puppy is younger than 8 weeks, you have limited options. You can use both Advantage Multi and the Seresto flea collar for puppies at least 7 weeks old, but Capstar is the only flea treatment safe for puppies 4 weeks and older. No flea medication is approved for puppies under 4 weeks old. 

What flea treatment can I give my 8-week-old puppy?

You can use many different flea treatments for puppies 8 weeks and older, but you'll need to know their weight to choose the right product. Flea treatments have clear labels with the product's recommended age and weight ranges. Always check the packaging before you apply it to your puppy to ensure you're using the right product for their weight and age. Before using flea medication on a puppy, confirm their weight with your vet. Your vet can always offer more guidance about choosing the right product for your puppy. 

Do new puppies need flea treatment?

"Ideally, puppies would be born into a flea-free environment, but since that isn't always possible, they should be inspected regularly and treated with age-appropriate products when there is evidence of fleas," says Collins. Signs of fleas may include increased scratching, small red bumps on your puppy's skin, or flea dirt. Of course, since fleas and ticks are often hard to see with your naked eye, puppies also need flea prevention. You can generally start using flea prevention medication for puppies 8 weeks and older, though the specific age range can vary by product. Vets commonly recommend continuing flea treatment year-round.

Should puppies wear flea collars?

When worn correctly, flea collars can help control fleas and ticks for up to eight months, but our experts agree you'll need to replace them more frequently if the collar is regularly exposed to water. The flea collar should have a close fit, with just enough room for you to place two fingers between the collar and your puppy's skin, Gorman says. "A flea collar is not usually my first recommendation for puppies — I generally wait until the puppy has stopped growing," says Collins. "I also advise extreme caution or avoiding them altogether if you have two puppies, or another dog who might wrestle and chew on the collar."

Do puppies need flea and tick medicine? 

Gorman says puppies need flea and tick medication, even those living in urban areas. Pets of all ages can get fleas and ticks, which they can pick up from the ground — during a walk or even a short potty break — and from spending time near other animals. "It's not just other pets that harbor parasites," says Gorman. "Exposure to wildlife, like birds and woodland creatures, also put pets at risk of parasite exposure." Prompt treatment at the first sign of fleas can help reduce the chances of an infestation. Your vet can offer more specific flea treatment recommendations based on the parasites and diseases most common in your region, Collins says.

Best for newborn puppies: Frisco Flea Comb
A gray metal Frisco flea comb for dogs is on a white background with a green border.
The Frisco Flea Comb is an affordable and safe way to remove fleas on newborn puppies.

Pros: Affordable, easy to use, safe for puppies of all sizes and ages

Cons: None

Most flea treatments are labeled for puppies over 8 weeks old. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn't approved any flea treatments for puppies under 4 weeks. So, if you have a very young puppy with fleas or ticks, you'll want to use a flea comb to remove the parasites gently.

Dr. Brian Collins, board-certified veterinarian and senior lecturer at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, recommends this Frisco flea comb for convenience and affordability, as it's cheap enough to buy multiples so you always have one on hand. "Fortunately, all flea combs tend to work very similarly," he says. "In addition to their functionality as flea finders and removers, flea combs can come in handy for some grooming situations, such as around the eyes and lips."

"Double sided flea combs are great," says Dr. Sarah Gorman, board-certified veterinarian and managing veterinarian at Small Door Veterinary. "They're easy to disinfect and come in both plastic and metal," Gorman says. To use the flea comb, place your puppy in an empty bathtub to keep any fleas and eggs contained. Dip the comb in water and begin gently combing your puppy from their head down. Continue dipping your comb in water every three or four strokes to remove any fleas and flea eggs.

Best for puppies over 4 weeks old: Capstar
A blue and black box of Capstar flea treatment for dogs has a small brown and white dog on front and is shown on a white background with green border.
Capstar is a once-daily oral flea treatment safe for puppies over 4 weeks old.

Pros: Fast-acting, can give alone or with food, available without prescription

Cons: Doesn't provide long-term protection, only kills adult fleas

"Capstar is a safe, effective product that can start killing fleas in only 30 minutes," says Collins, adding that he uses this product to treat existing flea infestations. You can give this OTC oral flea medication to puppies as young as 4 weeks old, as long as they weigh at least 2 pounds.

The active ingredient in Capstar, nitenpyram, kills more than 90% of adult fleas within four hours. But while it works well to treat infestations, it doesn't offer any long-term protection against fleas. "It only lasts for one day and has no effect on the flea eggs, larvae, or pupae," says Gorman. Still, if your puppy is too young for other flea medications, you can safely give them a daily dose of Capstar until they can switch to a long-term flea preventative.

Best topical for puppies over 7 weeks old: Advantage Multi
A brown box of Advantage Multi for Dogs has two small dogs on the front and is shown on a white background with green border.
You can get Advantage Multi with a prescription from your vet, and it’s the best topical flea treatment for puppies over 7 weeks.

Pros: Kills and prevents six different types of parasites, once-monthly treatment, easy to administer

Cons: Does not kill ticks

Advantage Multi, which you can begin applying once your puppy is 7 weeks old, contains two active ingredients: imidacloprid and moxidectin. These drugs work together to kill and prevent not only fleas, but also roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, heartworms, and mange mites. "Imidacloprid, the ingredient that kills fleas, has been in use for a long time and is very safe and effective," says Collins. One particular benefit of Advantage Multi, he says, is that it kills fleas without them needing to bite your puppy. It doesn't just treat existing infestations, either. It can also kill newly acquired fleas.

Because Advantage Multi also prevents heartworm, you can only get it by prescription from your vet. You can have your vet apply the treatment to your puppy in-office, if you prefer, but you can also treat your puppy at home. You just part the hair at the base of their neck and apply it to the skin between their shoulder blades. Keep other pets and children from coming into contact with the treated area until the medication dries, which will take a few hours. You can use this monthly treatment once every 30 days.

Best OTC topical for puppies over 8 weeks old: Frontline Plus
An orange and white box of Frontline Plus for Dogs has a small terrier on front and is shown on a white background with green border.
Frontline Plus is an OTC topical treatment that kills fleas, ticks, and chewing lice for 30 days.

Pros: Kills fleas at all life stages, ticks, and chewing lice; effective for 30 days; available over the counter

Cons: Does not prevent or kill worms

If your puppy weighs more than 5 pounds and is older than 8 weeks, Frontline Plus may be a great option to kill and prevent fleas. "Frontline has been on the market for a long time and has a track record of safety and efficacy," says Collins. This topical treatment is widely available over the counter, so you can begin tackling infestations without a vet visit.

Frontline Plus contains two active ingredients: fipronil, which kills both ticks and adult fleas, and S-methoprene, which keeps flea eggs from hatching and stops the growth of flea larvae. Plus, fleas don't need to bite your dog for the medicine to work, so it may be a good option for dogs with flea allergies, Collins says. Once it dries, it's waterproof, so your puppy can still swim or take a bath. You apply Frontline the same way as you would other topical treatments. Part the hair at the base of your puppy's neck, between their shoulder blades, and apply all of the medication in one spot. Avoid letting kids and other pets touch this spot until the medication dries.

Best pill for puppies over 8 weeks old: Simparica TRIO
A maroon and white box of Simparica Trio has a small white dog on front and is shown on a white background with green border.
Simparica TRIO is an oral treatment that kills fleas, ticks, mites, and worms in puppies over 8 weeks old.

Pros: Offers more protection than other flea pills, once-monthly treatment, can give alone or with food

Cons: None

If you'd prefer to avoid using topical flea treatments for your puppy, you might consider an oral flea medication, like Simparica TRIO. This liver-flavored chewable tablet contains three active ingredients: moxidectin, sarolaner, and pyrantel. These drugs work together to provide 30-day protection from multiple parasites, including fleas and flea larvae along with chewing lice, five types of ticks, mange mites, and three types of worms, including deadly heartworms. 

Simparica TRIO is highly effective. In fact, it will kill all adult fleas on your puppy within just eight hours. Both of our experts recommend Simparica TRIO to clients with puppies over 8 weeks old. "This is the product we recommend in our practice as it is cost-effective, safe, and all-inclusive in terms of coverage," says Gorman. Collins adds that oral medications like Simparica TRIO aren't affected by bathing or swimming, which makes them great options for puppies who love water. Your vet will need to prescribe this medication. If your puppy has a neurological disorder or history of seizures, however, another medication may be a better option.

Best shampoo for puppies over 12 weeks old: Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo
A cream-colored bottle of Sentry Flea and Tick shampoo has three different size dogs printed on label and is shown on a white background with green border.
You can safely use Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo on puppies over 12 weeks old to kill fleas, flea eggs and larvae, and ticks.

Pros: Kills all life stages of fleas and adult ticks, soothing formula

Cons: Only effective for 10 days

If your puppy over 12 weeks old needs a flea bath, Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal may be a good option. Its active ingredients — permethrin and piperonyl butoxide — work together to kill fleas and ticks for up to 10 days, while oatmeal provides soothing relief for your puppy's itchy, irritated skin. 

Flea shampoos can certainly help kill live fleas and ticks on your puppy, but many vets consider these products a less effective method of long-term prevention. Shampoos can't break the flea life cycle, so your puppy can easily get fleas again. What's more, the insecticides used in these shampoos may cause irritation, especially for puppies with sensitive skin. When using flea shampoo, always read the label carefully and leave the shampoo on your puppy for the entire time recommended — five minutes for this specific product. Avoid leaving the shampoo on for a longer period of time or rinsing it off too soon. Leaving it on too long may cause skin irritation and other side effects, and it may not work effectively if you rinse it off too soon. 

If there are cats in your household, make sure they do not come in contact with this shampoo. As with all shampoos labeled for dogs, this product should not be used on cats.

Best flea collar for older puppies: Seresto Flea and Tick Collar
A round metal tin with a label that says Seresto for Small Dog and a photo of a small brown and white dog is shown on a white background with green border.
The Seresto Flea and Tick Collar can help prevent fleas and ticks for up to eight months in puppies over 7 weeks old.

Pros: Provides eight months of protection, lightweight and comfortable for puppies, fits dogs of all sizes

Cons: Must be used with caution around children, may be difficult to adjust size of collar

The Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs is safe for puppies 7 weeks and older, and it's the only flea collar Collins recommends to his clients. The collar helps control fleas, ticks, and other parasites for up to eight months by releasing imidacloprid and flumethrin in low doses. It's highly effective and kills parasites on contact — before they even bite your puppy. 

"I am comfortable using this collar on puppies as long as they are closely monitored," Collins says, adding that you'll need to adjust the collar as your puppy grows to prevent it from becoming too tight and damaging their skin. You should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and your puppy's skin. Just make sure children don't touch or play with the collar and that other pets in your home don't chew on it.

What to look for in flea treatments for puppies

Type of treatment: Expert-recommended options for flea treatment and prevention include chewable tablets, topical medications, collars, and shampoos. "When choosing a flea and tick preventative, there's no one-size-fits all," Gorman says. Your vet can help you find the right plan for your pet's age, health, breed, and lifestyle. A puppy who swims often or gets frequent baths may do better with a prescription oral medication, for example, while OTC topical treatments can be a more affordable option for flea treatment and prevention. 

Application method: Some flea treatments are more difficult to use than others. For instance, you'll have to apply a topical treatment in just the right spot to ensure its effectiveness and keep your puppy from licking it off. You'll also need to keep treated puppies away from other pets, especially cats, until the medication absorbs, and you may need to wear gloves to apply it. Oral medications may offer a simpler alternative for squirmy puppies and puppies who can't tolerate topical treatments. 

Safety for puppies: Flea treatments approved by the FDA or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are safe to use on your pets. Approval from these organizations means the product has been thoroughly tested for both safety and effectiveness. Before you use any flea medication on your puppy, check to make sure it's labeled for their age and weight. If you can't weigh your puppy at home, ask your vet to confirm their weight before using the medication. Flea treatments meant for older or larger dogs may, in some cases, be fatal for your puppy. 

Safety for cats: Some ingredients used in dog flea medications, like permethrin, are toxic to cats and can cause death. If you have cats at home, you may want to opt for puppy flea treatments that aren't dangerous to cats, just in case your cat and puppy come into close contact. 

Parasites they kill: Some flea treatments just kill fleas or fleas and ticks only. Others kill many different types of parasites. According to Collins, your vet can always recommend the right product for your puppy based on the parasites in your region and your puppy's potential for exposure. "The recommendations for a dog that goes camping and hiking every weekend in New England is going to be different than the recommendations for a dog that lives in LA and rarely leaves the city," says Gorman. Keep in mind that any product that protects against heartworms requires a heartworm test before you get a prescription, plus annual testing for heartworms.

Prescription vs. OTC: While you can buy plenty of safe and effective flea treatments over the counter, Gorman says your vet may recommend prescription products because they've undergone rigorous safety studies to earn FDA approval. Collins says safe and effective products are available in a range of prices, so cost isn't necessarily a factor when it comes to effectiveness. However, prescription products tend to cost more, partly because they help kill and prevent more parasites.

How we selected flea treatments for puppies

We consulted two board-certified veterinarians for this guide: 

Dr. Brian Collins, Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, is board certified in canine and feline practice and serves as an extension associate with the Cornell Richard P. Riney Canine Health Center. Collins helped us better understand the importance of flea prevention and the safe use of flea treatments for young puppies.

Dr. Sarah Gorman is a board-certified veterinarian, managing veterinarian at Small Door Veterinary, and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner (CCRP) specially trained in physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques for small animals. Gorman helped us better understand the benefits of FDA-approved flea prevention products for puppies. She also emphasized that consulting your vet before choosing a flea treatment can help you determine the right product for your region as well as your puppy's age and other needs. 

Additionally, we consulted the Companion Animal Parasite Council reference guide. This independent nonprofit has created a reference tool listing every parasite control product approved for use in small animals by the FDA and EPA. The guide also provides detailed information about flea treatments, including directions for use, the parasites they kill and prevent, and their active ingredients.

FAQs about flea treatments for puppies

What flea treatment is safe for puppies?

The safest flea treatments for your puppy are those approved by the FDA and labeled for your puppy's age and weight. "It's very important to choose a product that is appropriate for the age and weight of the puppy," Collins says. Our experts recommend consulting your vet about the best product for your puppy. "Any medication can be a source of a reaction in our pets, which is why we strongly recommend using FDA-approved products and avoiding third-party sellers of flea and tick products," says Gorman. 

When can you start flea treatment on a puppy?

You can safely use most flea medications for puppies over 8 weeks old. If your puppy is younger than 8 weeks, you have limited options. You can use both Advantage Multi and the Seresto flea collar for puppies at least 7 weeks old, but Capstar is the only flea treatment safe for puppies 4 weeks and older. No flea medication is approved for puppies under 4 weeks old. 

What flea treatment can I give my 8-week-old puppy?

You can use many different flea treatments for puppies 8 weeks and older, but you'll need to know their weight to choose the right product. Flea treatments have clear labels with the product's recommended age and weight ranges. Always check the packaging before you apply it to your puppy to ensure you're using the right product for their weight and age. Before using flea medication on a puppy, confirm their weight with your vet. Your vet can always offer more guidance about choosing the right product for your puppy. 

Do new puppies need flea treatment?

"Ideally, puppies would be born into a flea-free environment, but since that isn't always possible, they should be inspected regularly and treated with age-appropriate products when there is evidence of fleas," says Collins. Signs of fleas may include increased scratching, small red bumps on your puppy's skin, or flea dirt. Of course, since fleas and ticks are often hard to see with your naked eye, puppies also need flea prevention. You can generally start using flea prevention medication for puppies 8 weeks and older, though the specific age range can vary by product. Vets commonly recommend continuing flea treatment year-round.

Should puppies wear flea collars?

When worn correctly, flea collars can help control fleas and ticks for up to eight months, but our experts agree you'll need to replace them more frequently if the collar is regularly exposed to water. The flea collar should have a close fit, with just enough room for you to place two fingers between the collar and your puppy's skin, Gorman says. "A flea collar is not usually my first recommendation for puppies — I generally wait until the puppy has stopped growing," says Collins. "I also advise extreme caution or avoiding them altogether if you have two puppies, or another dog who might wrestle and chew on the collar."

Do puppies need flea and tick medicine? 

Gorman says puppies need flea and tick medication, even those living in urban areas. Pets of all ages can get fleas and ticks, which they can pick up from the ground — during a walk or even a short potty break — and from spending time near other animals. "It's not just other pets that harbor parasites," says Gorman. "Exposure to wildlife, like birds and woodland creatures, also put pets at risk of parasite exposure." Prompt treatment at the first sign of fleas can help reduce the chances of an infestation. Your vet can offer more specific flea treatment recommendations based on the parasites and diseases most common in your region, Collins says.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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