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Critter control pro warns about troubling sign that there are ‘far more’ rats ‘living in an unseen space’ in your home

RATS and other critters may be entering your home through easily overlooked access points, according to an expert.

She shared must-try tips for deterring pests that could wreak havoc in your home.

Meg Pearson shared her expert tips for keeping unwanted animals such as rats, birds, and bats out of your home (stock image)[/caption]

Meg Pearson is the Training Manager at Critter Control, a wildlife control company with offices in the U.S. and Canada.

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, she revealed how to keep creatures from entering your home.


Pearson said there is an endless list of places rats may use as access points including walls, basements, attics, and the ceiling.

She recommended hiring a wildlife removal professional to seal off all gaps and openings around your home that critters could exploit. 

“In addition to this, you should work to make your home less appealing to rats and other rodents by limiting their food sources,” she said.

“Rats, like most critters, typically enter your home because it’s a safe place to live with an abundance of food. 

“Homeowners ought to maintain a consistent cleaning schedule, ridding the floors, cabinets, countertops, and other spaces of crumbs and other openly-available food. 

“All food should be kept sealed tightly away from rodents in strong containers that cannot be chewed through, to prevent access and contamination.”


Pearson said rats may be small but having them in your home can escalate into a “serious problem” very quickly.

She warned that they carry disease and can contaminate food. 

“In the case of rats, their strong teeth can chew through or cause damage to many fixtures around your house, leading to costly repairs,” she said.

“They also may chew through any wiring they find, which can cause detrimental electrical fires.”

She said mice reproduce quickly and seeing just one or two could be a sign that there are “far more” living in an unseen area of your house.

“The more they multiply, the more problems they cause for you and your family,” she said.

“With all this in mind, it is paramount that homeowners handle rodent infestations as quickly as possible. 

“You may think a few mice around your house isn’t too big of a deal, but it can get out of hand fast.”

She said homeowners should speak to an expert who can provide a customized plan rather than trying to trap rodents themselves.

Handling the problem swiftly can prevent any “major damage” around the home.


Pearson said like most other critters, birds will nest in people’s homes for access to food, water, and safety from predators.

“If you can implement preventative tactics like netting, spikes, and wires, to areas, like your roof, where they may try to enter from the birds may be discouraged and seek out someplace else for their nest,” she said.

They can pose physical dangers to residents, especially small children, and pets, in addition to causing costly damages around your home and spreading infectious diseases.

Meg Pearson

She recommended having a wildlife removal professional identify any gaps around the home that may need sealing. 

This can also be useful for preventing an infestation of bats.

“Bats entering your home can make things complicated, due to their endangered or protected status throughout the United States,” Pearson said.

“The best thing you can do is work to preventatively keep them out of your house.

“Depending on your state’s bat laws, you may not be able to have them removed until their maternity season ends and their pups are old enough to fly off on their own.”

She said pesticides, odor repellents, bright lights, frightening devices, and ultrasonic sounds aren’t reliable methods for keeping bats away in the long term.

“Many homeowners, understandably, feel compelled to try handling their home wildlife issues themselves, at least to start,” she said.

She warned that nuisance wildlife may be small but should still be taken seriously.

“They can pose physical dangers to residents, especially small children, and pets, in addition to causing costly damages around your home and spreading infectious diseases,” she said.

“With this in mind, if you find that your DIY attempt to handle your wildlife issues isn’t working, you ought to enlist the help of a trained professional who can thoroughly assess the situation.”

Pearson said rats can cause expensive damage by chewing items around the home (stock image)[/caption]
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