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Judge orders Alex Jones to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families

Alex Jones (Video screenshot)
Alex Jones (Video screenshot)

Alex Jones

A federal judge overseeing the fight Sandy Hook school shooting victims' families brought against Infowars founder Alex Jones, over his claims it was faked by the government, has issued a ruling on the liquidation of his personal assets.

The Post Millennial reveals Christopher Lopez, a bankruptcy judge, said those assets will be liquidated to pay down on a massive civil judgment that two juries returned against Jones.

The report said Jones just a week ago had agreed to convert his bankruptcy case to a liquidation, and a ruling was pending on whether Jones' corporation, Free Speech Systems, also would be liquidated.

The report said Jones' primary home in Austin would be protected, as well as some other belongings. But the famed broadcaster already has moved to sell his ranch, estimated to be worth $2.8 million, as well as a collection of guns.

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Jones' claims that the shooting was a staged event infuriated families of the victims, and although he later recanted, they sued him for defamation anyway.

If the judge determines Free Speech Systems must be liquidated, it would mean Jones losing any control of his company.

In fact, he told reporters heading into court, "This is probably the end of Infowars here very, very soon. … It’s just the beginning of my fight against tyranny."

There have been some of Jones' supporters who have suggested they might buy assets.

The civil judgment against Jones was for about $1.5 billion.

Sandy Hook families have demanded payment, refusing offers to settle, and also insist that he lose control of his media accounts.

The families have announced their intention to continue pursuing any future earnings by Jones, because they believe he'll keep broadcasting in some fashion.

In recent days he's been suggesting fans download videos from his archive to preserve them, and pointing out alternative sources for purchasing dietary supplements he sells online.

Reports show his personal assets total about $9 million and Free Speech has some $6 million in cash and $1.2 million in inventory.

Both Jones and his commercial persona filed for bankruptcy protection two years ago when the civil judgments came down.

The plaintiffs were awarded damages for his statements about the 2012 shooting that killed six teachers and 20 first graders in Newtown, Connecticut.

A lawyer for the families said one of their goals was to deprive him of the ability "to inflict mass harm."

Jones recently was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and commented on a wide range of issues.

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