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Buzz Aldrin Finally Told the Truth about the Moon Landing – "We Didn’t Go There"

Buzz Aldrin (born Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr.; January 20, 1930) is an American engineer, former astronaut, and Command Pilot in the United States Air Force. As Lunar Module Pilot on the Apollo 11 mission, he and mission commander Neil Armstrong were the first two humans to land on the Moon.

Aldrin set foot on the Moon at 03:15:16 on July 21, 1969 (UTC), 9 minutes after Armstrong first touched the surface. Or at least that's what we were told...





























Tags: science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science,

A recent study by Chinese scientists has identified tiny glass beads in the lunar soil as potential storage locations for water on the Moon. Despite previous research confirming the presence of water on the Moon, questions have remained about where it is stored, how it got there, and how it moves around. The new findings are based on samples collected by China’s Chang’e 5 rover mission, which spent a couple of weeks collecting material from the lunar surface in December.

Microscopic glass beads in the lunar soil are formed when bits of space rock collide with the lunar surface, vaporizing minerals that then cool into vitreous particles, sometimes only a few tens or hundreds of micrometers across. These glass beads have been previously studied in Apollo lunar samples and have helped overturn prior assumptions about the dryness of the Moon.

The new study reveals that a good proportion of the Moon’s water is produced with the help of the Sun’s winds, which bond hydrogen ions from solar particles with oxygen already stored in the lunar soil. The researchers believe that the reservoir of water potentially represented by these beads could play a crucial part in the lunar water cycle, as some water gets lost to space and can be replenished by the stores held in the amorphous impact glass.

"The impact glass beads preserve hydration signatures and display water abundance profiles consistent with the inward diffusion of solar wind-derived water," says the study’s researchers in their recently published paper in Nature Geoscience.

Each glass bead is capable of holding up to 2,000 micrograms (0.002 grams) of water for every gram of the particle’s mass. Based on a hydration signatures analysis, the scientists think the beads can accumulate water in the span of just a few years.

"This short diffusion time indicates that the solar wind-derived water can be rapidly accumulated and stored in lunar impact glass beads," adds the research team.

The potential implications of these findings are significant, especially for supporting Moon missions and bases. Being able to tap into this vast reservoir of water could make living on the lunar surface for extended periods of time much more comfortable. Moreover, the scientists say that other "airless bodies" like the Moon could be storing water in their surface layers in the same way.

"These findings indicate that the impact glasses on the surface of the Moon and other airless bodies in the Solar System are capable of storing solar wind-derived water and releasing it into space," says Hu Sen, a geophysicist and study co-author from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Further analysis of samples from Chang’e 5 is expected to yield more discoveries along these lines. With these new insights, we may be able to unlock the mysteries surrounding the lunar water cycle and how it could impact future space exploration and habitation.

We may not have found many planetary systems like our own Solar System. Still, one thing they appear to have in common is that they appear to be made of regular ol’ baryonic matter – you know, the stuff our solar system is made of. This raises the question of whether there could be planets made of other types of particles, such as dark matter.

According to a group of scientists led by theoretical physicist Yang Bai from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the possibility of planets composed of dark matter cannot be ruled out entirely. These hypothetical planets, however, would be different from anything we have discovered thus far, and detecting them would require new methods and techniques.

In a recent paper published on the preprint server arXiv, Bai and his colleagues outlined how these mysterious planets might manifest, as well as how we could detect them if they were real. The team concluded that detecting dark matter exoplanets would be possible under certain circumstances.

The primary challenge with detecting dark matter exoplanets is that they may have different properties than regular exoplanets. Bai and his colleagues stated that "a macroscopic dark matter state with its mass and/or radius similar to those of a planet will behave as a dark exoplanet if it is bounded to a star system, even if the object’s underlying physics resembles something else entirely."

Detecting dark matter exoplanets would be feasible through the use of existing techniques for measuring exoplanets’ properties. Astronomers currently rely on two primary methods for detecting exoplanets: transits and radial velocity measurements.

A transit occurs when an exoplanet passes in front of its host star, causing the star’s light to dim slightly. Astronomers can calculate the radius of the exoplanet based on the depth of the dimming. Exoplanets also cause their host stars to wobble as they orbit, which can be detected by changes in the wavelength of the star’s light. This motion, known as radial velocity, can be used to determine the exoplanet’s mass.

By analyzing these measurements, astronomers can calculate an exoplanet’s density and infer its composition. A low-density exoplanet, like Jupiter, would likely be a gas giant with a massive, low-density atmosphere, while a higher-density exoplanet, like Earth, would be rocky.

Bai and his colleagues suggested that detecting dark matter exoplanets could be possible if they had different properties than expected from regular exoplanets. For example, a dark matter exoplanet might have a density greater than iron or be so low-density that its existence is impossible to explain.

Another way to detect a dark matter exoplanet is to analyze its transit spectrum. Astronomers can measure the spectrum of light from the host star during transits and compare it to the star’s light under normal conditions. Any anomalies in the transit spectrum could indicate the presence of a dark matter exoplanet.

Similarly, if an exoplanet’s radial velocity suggests that it should transit, but no transit is observed, this could also be an indicator of a dark matter exoplanet. Additionally, an unusual light curve shape during transit could also suggest the presence of a dark matter exoplanet. As Bai and his colleagues explained, "due to its tiny but non-vanishing interaction strength with the Standard Model particles, the dark matter exoplanet may not be completely opaque, rendering a light curve shape distinguishable from that of an ordinary exoplanet."

While the team’s research provides a basis for detecting dark matter exoplanets, the study was limited in that it only considered circular orbits and simple planet properties. "Further study on early dark matter exoplanet–stellar-system formation and dark matter exoplanet capture would help in elucidating the possibility of detecting dark matter exoplanets and would be necessary for bounds to be set on dark matter exoplanet abundance if they are not detected," the researchers conclude.

Another beautiful spectacle in the sky awaits stargazers as five planets prepare to align with each other. In another magnificent planetary parade, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Uranus will come in line later this month. The planets will be in perfect conjunction on March 27. The same night, you can also view a well-known star cluster M35 as well as the moon. However, all five planets might not be clearly visible to everyone.

If you wish to catch the spectacle of five planets coming in line, look towards the western horizon on the night of March 28. You’ll need to steer clear of obstructions that might hinder your view. Those living near the beach with a westward-facing shoreline will probably be able to witness the spectacle best.

The timing will also matter since two of these planets will set soon after sunset. Mercury and Jupiter won’t be visible for very long post-sunset and will set beyond the horizon 25 to 30 minutes later. However, both of them will be shining brightly but can be best viewed using binoculars a few minutes before sunset. Both of them will be closer to the horizon. Mercury will be to the right of Jupiter. While Jupiter will vanish after a few days, Mercury will continue to remain visible.

Meanwhile, Venus is already becoming prominent in the western evening sky and will be the easiest to spot. The brightest planet and Uranus will appear higher up. It will also be the first planet you can see once the sun sets. Mars, which was 50.6 million miles away from Earth on November 30, is 211.4 million kilometres from our planet this time. However, it should still be easily visible in the night sky and will be quite high, near the moon.

Moon will appear as a crescent on this night, while Mars will appear to the moon’s upper left. Uranus will be a pretty hard one to see but binoculars will make it easier.

Five planets aligned a few weeks back as well and the occurrence happened last year as well.

The planetary alignment happens because "the planets orbit around the Sun in approximately the same plane, the ecliptic plane, and thus trace similar paths across our sky," NASA says.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope () has recently unveiled some breathtaking views of the last stages of a gigantic star’s existence. The rare Wolf-Rayet star, WR 124, which is located approximately 15,000 light-years away from Earth in the , has been captured by JWST in images that were released on Tuesday, March 14. According to NASA officials, only a small percentage of enormous stars go through the Wolf-Rayet phase before eventually exploding, making the detailed observations made by JWST all the more valuable to astronomers.

Space Telescope shows this to great effect. Cooler cosmic dust glows at the longer mid-infrared wavelengths, displaying the structure of WR 124’s nebula. NASA released this JWST image on March 14, 2023. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team.)

Wolf-Rayet stars shed their outer layers, leading to the formation of gas and dust halos, which have caught the attention of scientists. The recently captured images of WR 124 reveal that it is about 30 times more massive than the sun and has already released over 10 solar masses worth of gas and dust into space. It is worth noting that despite the seeming banality of dust, astronomers are deeply interested in it. This is because dust plays a significant role in the universe, shielding forming stars, gathering to help in the formation of planets, and serving as a platform for molecules to come together, including the building blocks of life on Earth.

In the image description, NASA officials explain that there is more dust in the universe than can be accounted for by current dust-formation theories. JWST’s observations are, therefore, crucial in unlocking this mysterious ‘dust budget surplus’ since cosmic dust is best studied in infrared wavelengths, the type of light that JWST is optimized to observe. By investigating questions surrounding dust production in environments such as WR 124 and whether the dust grains are large enough to survive the supernova and make a significant contribution to the overall dust budget, JWST’s observations could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

JWST launched atop a European Ariane 5 rocket from French Guiana on December 25, 2021, before journeying towards the Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2. The mission unfolded its huge sunshield and multi-segment primary mirror along the way to L2, which it reached in late January 2022. After a long series of checkouts, the mission began its science campaign in June 2022, and NASA released the first JWST imagery to the public a month later. Currently, the telescope is conducting a wide range of potentially transformational observations, from examining the universe’s earliest

Tags: science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science, science, astronomy, NASA, aliens, UFOs, space, space science, science, Earth, Earth science, science, breaking news, science,


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