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Hands off our farm!


In case you haven't noticed, the elites (including the yahoos at the World Economic Forum) are obsessed with food. Specifically, your food. They are determined to micromanage everything you put in your mouth while keeping themselves exempt from any diktats they create.

The latest madness came in a post by a journalist named Kit Knightly, who wrote: "Have you ever made a prediction and wished you'd recorded it? Last week, in a phone conversation with a family member, they happened to mention growing their own vegetables, and I said in reply, 'Enjoy it while you can, they're gonna start claiming it's causing climate change soon.' Literally four days later …"

The article he linked to was a Guardian piece entitled "Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally." The majority of the emissions, states the article, do not come from the growing of the food itself, but from the infrastructure needed to allow the food to be grown, including raised beds, garden sheds and pathways. Their conclusion? Leave the farming to the professionals.

But wait, there's more! Now we find the U.N. is secretly working with banks to destroy the farming industry. (I wish I were making this up, but I'm not.)

The article states: "A group of top officials representing twelve U.S. states has raised the alarm after discovering that the unelected globalist United Nations is secretly working with banks to destroy the American farming industry. The banks are using the U.N.'s Marxist 'environmental, social, and corporate governance' (ESG) criteria to score and penalize farmers. Traditional rural farmers who are not considered 'woke' enough, according to ESG scoring, are being 'de-banked' – having their accounts shut down, without notice or explanation. The plot seeks to throttle the agriculture industry to eliminate all those who fail to comply with the globalist 'Net Zero' agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF). As part of the effort to wage war on the food supply, banks have teamed up with a United Nations-organized group called Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)."

But wait, there's more! Wood stoves and pellet stoves are also in the crosshairs. Both these home heating options are widespread in rural areas where electricity is often undependable (pellet stoves often come equipped with battery backups to continue operating during power outages). Firewood harvested sustainably from one's own land ensures that rural people never have to depend on the grid for heat. Now, how long will it be until insurance companies won't insure homes equipped with wood heat, even if the stoves have Underwriter Laboratories approval?

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At first glance, these articles seem like the wildest of conspiracy theories. But I'm sure you've heard the expression "The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is about six months." We're heading for a time when producing food and heating with wood and even living outside the 15-minute cities may well be illegal.

Now recall a few years ago during the pandemic lockdowns when Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer prohibited the sale of gardening tools and seeds. "If you're not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store," she said when announcing her order. The governor was fine with purchases of lottery tickets and liquor, but not gardening tools and seeds.

On the surface, there seemed no logical reason for this action, but many people saw this as a "beta test" for wider restrictions on food independence – evidently with good reason. Control the food, control the people.

This is a subject near to my heart because my husband and I have spent the last 20 years learning the intricacies of self-sufficiency. On our last homestead (we downsized about three years ago) we had nearly achieved our goal since we produced our own organic beef, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, fruits and vegetables (grown from open-pollinated seeds, of course). We also harvested firewood sustainably from our own woodlot. We're striving for that same level here in our new home. (For added measure, we also live as close to a zero-waste lifestyle as possible, and as "green" as we can be. What can I say, it's a challenge I enjoy.)

For the elites to start bleating about how our efforts are bad for the planet – while they fly to conferences in their private jets and dine on Kobe beef – would be hilarious if they weren't so serious.

Kit Knightly continues in his post: "Since we started with a prediction, let's end with another one: This is just the first step. … They are never going to make growing your own vegetables illegal, they are just going to make it increasingly difficult. It will start with licenses, for food safety purposes or something. Maybe an outbreak of a disease will be linked to people sharing food from their allotments. Licenses will be increasingly expensive, and come with restrictions. You'll only be allowed to use seeds from specific approved vendors, seeds of GMO plants which 'mitigate the impact of climate change.' These seeds will likely be 'terminator seeds,' meaning they are sterile in the second generation. And, in that fashion, growing your own vegetables will no longer be an individual and independent experience, but just another corporate subscription service."

If these developments have done nothing else, they have spurred us to work faster to build the infrastructure necessary to make our little homestead as self-sufficient as possible. We already have our fruit in production (blueberries, strawberries, apples, peaches, plums, blackberries), our wood cookstove installed, and a huge woodpile stacked and covered. By spring, we'll have our raised-bed garden in place and fenced against deer. By summer, we'll have our beef and dairy cows and I'll be back in full dairy production. By fall, the chicken coop will be completed. By winter, the hand pump for our well will be installed. Conceivably we'll never need to leave home to have all the necessary components of comfort.

Don't get me wrong, these are things we planned to do anyway – it's just the lifestyle we prefer to lead – but circumstances are goading us to ramp up our schedule and make sure we can place ourselves apart from government overreach if necessary.

They say everyone should know the hill they're willing to die on. This is mine. To all the WEF elites out there, both foreign and domestic, listen very carefully. Lean in real close so I can whisper it in your ear. Ready? HANDS. OFF. OUR. FARM.

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The post Hands off our farm! appeared first on WND.


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