Marco Rubio Signals He’s A-OK With Trump Foreign Corruption
During Sen. Marco Rubio’s confirmation hearing Wednesday, he was asked by Democratic Sen. Patrick Murphy a simple yes or no question: “Do you believe that the president should refrain from doing new business deals with Middle East governments during his term in office?”
Rubio is Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State. As a senator, he’s been vice chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence and a senior member of the Committee on Foreign Relations. The fact that he’s obviously willing to toss out everything he knows about the importance of not having a president conflicted on foreign policy tells you everything you need to know about this cowardly weasel.
Even worse, he pretended Trump always put the country over his personal interests.
RUBIO: My understanding, again, I'm speaking out of turn, but the president doesn't manage that company. His family members do, and they have a right to be in the business. That's the business that they're in. They're in the real estate business. They've been for a very long time, both domestically and abroad. They have properties in multiple countries. So, at the end of the day, I don't know, his family is entitled to continue to operate their business.