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UN rapporteurs alarmed by attacks on girls’ schools in Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: The United Nations special rapporteurs have expressed concern over militant attacks on girls’ schools in Pakistan and urged the government to safeguard the inalienable right of women and girls to a safe and secure education.

“We are alarmed by the ongoing terror attacks against girls’ schools by organisations who are against the education of women and girls. We note that all attacks on schools are abhorrent, but that targeted attacks against girls’ schools additionally deter women and girls from seeking an education, perpetuating discrimination and inequalities in society,” wrote Farida Shaheed, special rapporteur on the right to education; Reem Alsalem, special rapporteur on violence against women and girls; and Laura Nyirinkindi, chair-rapporteur of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls, in a letter to the Pakistan government.

They asked the government for details of the investigations and measures being taken to protect girls’ schools in Waziristan.

The three experts expressed concern that in Pakistan girls are less likely to be enrolled in school, less likely to stay in school, and less likely to achieve learning outcomes even if they attend school. Girls from rural areas suffer the worst educational outcomes and are the most susceptible to factors such as poverty and sociocultural beliefs that prevent them from completing their education.

Demand immediate, unconditional release of Idris Khattak

The experts referred to the attacks by unidentified armed men with explosives on private girls’ schools in North and South Waziristan and in Surab district of Kalat division in Balochistan, and said it was reported that the net enrollment rate for girls in school is lower for girls than for boys on average, and particularly worse in rural areas.

The letter stated: “Girls in Pakistan are disproportionately excluded from receiving education. Girls’ education faces numerous challenges, including a lack of schools, security concerns travelling to schools (including harassment), and child marriages, and the prohibitive cost of education, especially for families living in poverty.”

The experts reminded the government of the legal obligations of states under international human rights law to respect, protect and fulfil women’s rights and fundamental freedoms.

Idris Khattak’s release

Separately, a group of UN special rapporteurs on enforced disappearances have asked the Pakistan government to ensure immediate and unconditional release of hu­man rights defender Idris Khattak.

In a joint statement issued in Geneva on Monday, the human rights experts said: “We are dismayed by the continued apparent arbitrary deprivation of liberty of Mr Khattak, which clearly app­ears to be a direct retaliation for his human rights work, including documenting and reporting on enforced disappearances and rep­r­ession against ethnic minorities in Pakistan’s northwest region.”

The experts say they are in contact with Pakistan authorities regarding Mr Khattak’s case. He was convicted and sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment in 2021, following his trial by a military court. “Mr Khattak has allegedly been subject to a series of egregious abuses and human rights violations in the past five years, since he was taken into military custody in November 2019,” they said.

UN experts called on Pakistan to ensure an independent, impartial, effective and thorough probe into the violations Mr Khattak has suffered, identify those responsible and bring them to justice, especially those at command level. They urged the government to comply with the SC decision declaring such trials unconstitutional.

Published in Dawn, December 24th, 2024


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