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New York State DCP calling for recall of helicopter toy

ALBANY, NY (WUTR/WFXV/WPNY) -- Just two days before Christmas, the New York State Department of Consumer Protection is urging consumers to look under their tree for a particular toy that may have lead paint on it.

The department is urging the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue a recall of the MAXX Action Helicopter Toy -- sold at Dollar General stores across the state. The DCP is also urging the stores to remove the toys from their shelves.

“Toys containing lead are a source of lead exposure in young children, especially very young children who are more likely to put toys in their mouth," State Health Commissioner James McDonald said in a statement. "Parents and guardians should have the peace of mind to know that the toys they buy for their children are safe and free from toxic substances. Products that are found to violate established health and safety standards should be removed from store shelves and a recall should be issued.”

Research and testing of the MAXX Action Helicopter Toy found that the black window coating -- shown in the picture above -- contained 160 parts per million lead content. That is almost twice the allowable lead level established by the Federal Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.

The DCP has since contacted the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to request a national recall of the toy and asked distributor Old East Main Company to cease the distribution of the sale state and nationwide.

If anyone has the MAXX Action Helicopter at home -- under their tree or otherwise -- they can dispose of it by throwing it in the garbage. They may also choose to set it aside in a safe place and await any future recall instructions.

The DCP also urges consumers to follow these safety tips when shopping to make sure their toys are safe for children:

  • Always purchase age-appropriate toys
  • Read labels carefully and note all warnings
  • Keep toys in good condition
  • Immediately dispose of or repair broken toys right away
  • Make sure any fabric toys are labeled as flame-resistant or flame-retardant

“As New Yorkers finish up their last-minute holiday shopping it’s critical that they are informed about which toys are safe for their children,” Secretary of State Walter T. Mosley said in a statement. “During routine product testing, our Division of Consumer Protection has found that the MAXX Action Helicopter toy poses a serious health risk to children due to high levels of lead. I urge Dollar General to pull this item from its shelves immediately and for the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue a recall of this product.”


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