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Major A-road used by thousands of drivers every day will close in WEEKS so that UK’s first ‘green bridge’ can be built

A MAJOR A-road used by thousands every day will shut down in weeks so the UK’s first “green bridge” can be built.

Drivers are bracing for travel chaos in the new year as construction on a stretch of the A3, in Surrey, will begin.

National Highways
Cockcrow Bridge will be the UK’s first heathland green bridge[/caption]
National Highways
Drivers are bracing for travel chaos in the new year as construction on a stretch of the A3, in Surrey, will begin[/caption]

Works will see the south of junction 10 with the M25 shut down in both directions from 9pm on January 17 to 6am on January 20.

Cockcrow Bridge will be the UK’s first heathland green bridge meaning it will allow safer crossings for wildlife living either side.

National Highways confirmed the £317million project is set to ease congestion on the busiest section of the M25 – junction 10 – used by over 300,000 cars daily.

There are also plans to replace trees planted for timber for native heathland.

Jonathan Wade, National Highways project manager, said the bridge, could see motorists ditch a short drive for ” a walk or cycle” instead.

The A3 will be closed to the junction at Send for the B2215/A247 from January 17 to 20.

Diversions will be in place, southbound via Cobham, Chessington, Great Bookham and Effingham, rejoining the A3 at Send and northbound via East Clandon, Effingham, Fetcham and onto the M25 towards Wisley.

This follows motorway closures earlier this month which disrupted thousands of drivers.

There were roadworks on the M25, M1, A1M, A405, and A414 in southern Hertfordshire due to safety repairs, maintenance, testing, and structure inspections.

National Highways
The crossing will help protect pedestrians and wildlife[/caption]
National Highways
It is part of a £317million project[/caption]

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