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Blake Lively Was Supposed to Host 'Saturday Night Live' Season 50 Premiere, Backed Out Amid Smear Campaign

Blake Lively missed out on work opportunities amid the smear campaign her It Ends With Us co-star/director Justin Baldoni allegedly had orchestrated against her.

The 37-year-old actress sued the 40-year-old for sexual harassment and the smear campaign, and in her lawsuit, names some of the opportunities she missed out on after the fallout of the campaign.

One of those was hosting the season 50 premiere of Saturday Night Live in September, over a month after the movie was released.

Keep reading to find out more…

“The effects on Ms. Lively’s professional life were immediate and substantial,” the suit states. “Given the ongoing nature of the campaign and the associated negative public sentiment, Ms. Lively did not believe she could proceed with public appearances or events without being forced to openly discuss what happened on set.”

“For example, Ms. Lively canceled a critical Target corporate event for her hair care company, and she backed out of her scheduled role to host the premiere episode of the 50th anniversary season of ‘Saturday Night Live’ in September 2024,” it continued.

Hacks star Jean Smart ended up hosting that episode of SNL.

According to the lawsuit, the smear campaign against her allegedly caused harm to Blake‘s business and caused her family “severe emotional distress.”



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