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FIREWORKS! Trump Fires Back at Panama’s President For Claiming “Every Square Meter” of the Panama Canal Belongs to Panama

President Trump on Sunday fired back at Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino for claiming “every square meter” of the Panama Canal belongs to Panama.

On Saturday Trump warned that the United States could seize back the Panama Canal unless the country agrees to lower its costs and counter Chinese influence.

“The United States has a vested interest in the secure, efficient, and reliable operation of the Panama Canal, and that was always understood. We would and will NEVER let it fall into the wrong hands! It was not given for the benefit of others, but merely as a token of cooperation with us and Panama. If the principles, both moral and legal, of this magnanimous gesture of giving are not followed, then we will demand that the Panama Canal be returned to us, in full, and without question. To the Officials of Panama, please be guided accordingly!” Trump said on Truth Social.

In a follow up social media post, President Trump explained why the Panama Canal is a vital national asset for the US:

The Panama Canal is considered a VITAL National Asset for the United States, due to its critical role to America’s Economy and National Security. A secure Panama Canal is crucial for U.S. Commerce, and rapid deployment of the Navy, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and drastically cuts shipping times to U.S. ports.

The United States is the Number One user of the Canal, with over 70 percent of all transits heading to, or from, U.S. ports. Considered one of the Wonders of the Modern World, the Panama Canal opened for business 110 years ago, and was built at HUGE cost to the United States in lives and treasure – 38,000 American men died from infected mosquitos in the jungles during construction.

Teddy Roosevelt was President of the United States at the time of its building, and understood the strength of Naval Power and Trade. When President Jimmy Carter foolishly gave it away, for One Dollar, during his term in Office, it was solely for Panama to manage, not China, or anyone else.

It was likewise not given for Panama to charge the United States, its Navy, and corporations, doing business within our Country, exorbitant prices and rates of passage. Our Navy and Commerce have been treated in a very unfair and injudicious way.

The fees being charged by Panama are ridiculous, especially knowing the extraordinary generosity that has been bestowed to Panama by the U.S. This complete “rip-off” of our Country will immediately stop….

On Sunday Panama’s President fired back at Trump in a video statement.

“As President, I want to express clearly that every square meter of the Panama Canal and its adjacent zone belongs to Panama, and will continue to do so,” Mulino said in video statement. “The sovereignty and independence of our country are not negotiable.”

“The Canal is not under direct or indirect control, neither by China, nor by the European Community, nor by the United States, nor by any other power,” Mulino said. “As a Panamanian, I strongly reject any manifestation that distorts this reality.”

“Panama respects other nations and demands respect,” he added.


Later Sunday, President Trump responded: “We’ll see about that!”

The post FIREWORKS! Trump Fires Back at Panama’s President For Claiming “Every Square Meter” of the Panama Canal Belongs to Panama appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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