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Mary Trump: Donald a 'destroyed human being' whose Dad was 'incapable of loving anybody'

Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and niece of Donald Trump, told MSNBC Monday night that her uncle is a “destroyed human being” whose inflamed criticisms of Kamala Harris are being driven by a “defense mechanism” as a reaction to the vice president becoming the Democratic nominee.

“Donald uses very frequently a defense mechanism known as projection in which he takes things that he unconsciously knows about himself but can't bear and projects them onto other people,” Mary Trump told MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell Monday night on his show “Last Word."

“That has been happening with increasing frequency over the last – well let’s see when did that happen? Yes, when Vice President Harris became his opponent for the presidency," she said.

She said Harris replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee “really made him unravel in a way we haven’t seen before,” adding that Harris is clearly “getting under his skin.”

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“She pushes his buttons in a way few people ever had,” Mary Trump said.

When asked by O’Donnell if her “crazy uncle” is what compelled her to become a clinical psychologist, she said “unfortunately he wasn’t the only one,” explaining that Donald Trump is one of five children “and every single one of them was and is a destroyed human being.”

“As shocking as it may seem, Donald was not the worst one in my family,” Mary Trump said.

She cautioned though that is only because “he has, unfortunately, power that continues to be bestowed on him by a bankrupt Republican party and tens of millions of Americans.”

“But the whole family system was so broken from the very beginning.”

In her tell-all memoir, “Who Could Ever Love You,” a New York Times bestseller, Mary Trump wrote that “nobody liked Donald when he was growing up, not even his parents,” adding that his father, Frank Trump, was “incapable of loving anybody.”

Watch the clip below or at this link.

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